Wererabbit Tag - A Spring Festival Dream


Welcome to the dream Wererabbit Tag! Fleeing from wererabbits isn't the only feature of the dream, though. Go through an arch covered in flowering vines to find a stack of pillows (try pressing F3 while sitting on one), and a vase waiting for colorful flowers to be put inside. Find a seat in the Dining Hall, where you can find a variety of foods with edible flowers (just bump into a table). There are nine different foods!

Follow the road southeast, and you will enter the forest. Once upon a time, werewolves were a problem in that forest. Then a hero went in and chased them all away. That was long ago, though. Recently there have been whispers of weird roars being heard. Due to those rumors, no one wants to spend a long enough time in the forest to tend the cracked and missing road tiles. Watch your step!

Also, if you find any colorful eggs, don't pick them up. An egg hunt was held weeks ago, and those eggs can't be any good now.

If you visited the flower vase, you might be wondering where you can find those special flowers for it. There are four different flowers, and they can only be found in the woods. Follow the roads, and you may come across four statues. If you are clever enough to answer the riddles, you will be able to fill the vase with color! Like all flowers, eventually they will wither and die. If you find the vase full of dead and dull flowers, just say +empty to clean it out.


Helpful Hints


If you think you have the answer to a statue's riddle, make sure you are standing by the correct statue, then say your answer. Below are hints for solving the riddles asked by the statues in the woods. Only highlight the green sections if you really need help.

Tulip Statue

"On pizza and salad, doused in ranch, but when you need peace extend this leafy branch. What is it?" This one shouldn't be too hard to figure out...

It starts with an O.

Hyacinth Statue

"Another plant hides needles, that bite like ants and beetles. Needles hide beneath the leaves, waiting for someone like you." What comes to mind when you think of a pokey plant? Besides a cactus. Cacti don't really have leaves.

It is stinging and painful, and starts with an N.

Daffodil Statue

"Roses are red, carnations are pink, what flower genus like rotten meat stinks?" There are five different answers accepted for this riddle. Any one of them will get you the prize. These flowers are pretty infamous for attracting flies.

One of the possible answers starts with an R.

Iris Statue

"Flowers are categorized by how long they live. How long does a perennial flower live? Six Months, One Year, Two Years, More than Two Years?" Pop quiz time! Only answer with the plus sign, followed by the letter of the answer you choose.

Sorry, no hints for the multiple choice question!

Flower Vase

If you got a reward from one of the statues, drop it in one of the spaces around the flower vase. Try to get all four flowers! If they are all wilted and brownish, say +empty to clean the vase out. Another option is to go get fresh flowers to replace them with.


If you find an old egg in the forest, with a reddish glow around it, don't pick it up! It will turn you into a wererabbit if you do! However, if you do pick it up, you might want to try bumping into anyone else running around in the forest. Are there no other furres in the forest? Invite some friends!

Don't want to be the wererabbit anymore? Say +quit to end the game early. You are not able to exit the forest while you are a wererabbit, since the Hero Statue protects everyone outside.

What, Can't Find an Egg?

If you have looked all over in the forest, and still can't find the glowing egg, say +egg to spawn another one, then go look for it.

Have fun!